Estimates of Mind Controlled Individuals
How big is the problem of programmed, mind controlled/ Project Monarch / Carousel / MK Ultra’d individuals?
This information is not easy to collate as there is just the odd estimate here and there over many books and articles. This is an attempt to start collating sources. If anyone has any more sources/ links, please send them or put into the comments.
Cisco Wheeler, a high level mind controlled child slave turned programmer turned whistleblower, saw documentation in 1969 that 2 million victims of MKUltra mind control. I was a programmer and I saw the documented records on this, [13] [10].
At the time of the interview c. 2000, when she was out of the system, Cisco estimated that there were over 10 million victims of mind control. “Since then I don't have the awareness or the knowledge because I am not seeing the paperwork or the records to tell me how many. If I was making a guess, I would say 10 million”, [13] [10].
Fritz Springmeier in 2014 said “these are mind-controlled people unfortunately we have about 2 million, that's a conservative estimate about 2 million Americans are under this total mind control” [26]. Fritz deprogrammed Cisco and I should imagine that she was his source for this.
Jay Parker, survivor and whistleblower on bloodline abuse, had a mother who traced her family to the Amalekites [19]. She estimated there were 12% generational satanists ie. Illuminati bloodline families, in the US. Jay uses the figure of 10% as a round number and at that time estimated that in the US thus estimated 34 million… [3].
…it’s all about making the other 90% of humanity slaves and the 10% of humanity rulers my mother told me in 1963 that although she said it was 12 percent of America were generational satanists I’d like to use the figure of 10 percent. So basically we have 34 million generational Satanists pedophiles working for the elites and if you want to know who the lead are you need to read the book Bloodlines of the Illuminati by the author Fritz Springmeier… [3].
The book that Jay referred to can be accessed on this link Fritz Springmeier Bloodlines of the Illuminati [23].
Chuck Swindoll Jr. quotes Mark Passio as using an estimate of more than 30 million. “Mark Passio a former satanic priest claims the number of these lunatics in America tops 30 million”, [11]. [I have not yet found the actual Passio comment or source.]
Descendants of Cain
The bloodline families are taught and believe that they are descendants of Cain. Stories slightly vary as to whether it was Lucifer / Satan / Samael / demon / who was the father and conceived in a relationship with Eve / Lilith, but united that they are decendants of Cain via a demonic seeding.
Descendants of Adam via Cain, Satan impregnated Eve to give Cain. Cheryl Beck [31].
They claim they descend directly from the garden of Eden through Cain’s line, & that Cain’s parents were actually Lilith (the female 1/2 of God in Talmudic tradition) & a demon she made (aka the serpent or the devil). Sarah Ashcraft [32].
Samael is described as being a handsome, redheaded young man, so attractive in fact that it is difficult for females to resist his charms. He was the seducer of Eve in rabbinical traditions, and when they had intercourse, he injected his filth into her, after which she conceived Cain. Encyclopedia of Demons in World Religions and Cultures [34].
Luciferians traced their bloodlines back all the way past the Amalekites who practiced in these same cannibalistic humans sacrificing rituals bloodlines are desperately important to these people because the blood carries Lucifer’s energy they must keep the genetic pure from us normies quote-unquote who are not from the blue bloodline of satan understand these child murder and cultists believe they are direct descendants of the bloodline of cain as in the book of Genesis. Cain and Abel the twin sons of Eve as we all know. Luciferians believed Lucifer was literally the father of Cain and Adam the father of Abel according to them Eve had intercourse twice that day once with the demagogue and once with a human she became pregnant with twin boys the key obfuscation in the biblical story is Eve’s boys had different male progeny Lucifer was the first to have intercourse with Eve and then Adam Luciferians believed the line of Cain this is really critical that you understand this folks Luciferians believe the line of Cain carries the original genetics of Leviathan not a Leviathan the Leviathan meaning Satan itself they believe physical sex is essential as physical action carries with it life energies and motivations captured within the DNA just like consciousness consciousness is the scenic women of human biology so unlike Abel Cain did not inherent living DNA from his father he inherited dead DNA from a demon Kane was missing the human aspect from his psyche life force in other words Cain had no conscience within his motivation to action he was like a lion or wolf a ruthless killer was sharp instincts to hunt down and kill without remorse. Cain carried a predatory proclivity inherited from his father which was not anchored in compassionate counterbalance like his brother the core of human heart is love that’s probably one of the most important slides in this entire slideshow slide 9 Luciferians do not foster the compassionate aspect as love is absent from leviathans DNA Satan is not human so it’s seed did not offer natural human DNA to match Eve this is why they foster a bloodthirsty deceiving sadistic characteristic of themselves humanists the compassionate aspect is abused out of them and replaced with deception they identify was Satan Chuck Swindoll Jr [35].
At the higher esoterical levels, one is made to understand that this seed is the seed of Cain, that Cain’s true sin was not killing his brother but finding out that God was not God and that Satan and man can both arise to be gods above the one true God. They are taught that these rituals awaken the seed of Cain and open the doorway for them to arise as gods. Jessie Czebotar [30].
The belief that God is not God and that they themselves can become gods is a driving force in their plans.
…their allegiance is unto lucifer who I now will call him satan, that's who he is. They believe in the doctrinism of satanism that if they rule as gods and they are obedient to the call which is lucifer's call upon their life because they made blood oaths with him, then they will rule and reign with him in hell. They don't fear hell. They have no fear of hell. They only believe if they do what satan asks them to do, which he does tell them what to do, that they will stand as gods with him in hell and they will rule the people in hell. They will become gods with him. That is the big lie. They believe this. What can I say? That is the bottom line of the doctrine. They believe they will be gods in hell. And they all want to be gods because they see themselves as gods. As a god, they come under no authority except lucifer's authority. Lucifer does their bidding for them. He tells them exactly what to do, what he wants, and they will do it. Cisco Wheeler [10].
These Satanic Bloodline families have highly specialised and developed “spiritual gifts”. These differ from family to family but which include the abilities to hear various demons, and to be attached and possessed by them, attaching demons to inanimate objects and shapeshifting into various animals. Using demons gives them supra-normal powers or abilities compared to the average human.
One way they encourage the demonic connections is via the trauma of trauma based mind control, hence one reason why all bloodline are forced to participate in the Monarch, Carousel or MK ultra mind control programme [20]. Thus all bloodline will be mind controlled and although some non bloodline are co-opted into the system and mind controlled, the numbers of bloodline family members will be close to the numbers of mind controlled.
Whatever the actual numbers, all the knowledge and estimates of mind controlled are in the millions and that is for the US alone. To a very large extent mind control remains unrecognised and / or ignored. A prime example at the minute is Britney - they talk about conservatorship, drugs and all manner of gossip and issues but never the obvious signs and symptoms and evidence of mind control. Mind control is one of the taboos that the corporate media will not address, partly as they of course have been through the mind control programming.
Numbers of Bloodline / illuminati / brotherhood / mind controlled
Using the 10% figure for now, as it is easy to use and also you can easily halve this if you think the estimates are lower.
Applying the 10% figure to the US, population c. 337,000,000, gives bloodline / illuminati / mind controlled estimate 33.7 million people.
Applying the 10% figure to the UK whose population is about 69 million, then 6.9 million would be bloodline / illuminati / mind controlled.
If the figure of 10% applies globally as an estimate of bloodline / illuminati / mind controlled the figure is approximately 10% of 8 Billion, ie 800 million mind controlled people.
How many of the mind controlled know they are mind controlled?
The ins and out of knowing that you have been mind controlled are difficult. Which alters know? How much has the programming broken down? How much do people realise etc. etc. Nothing is simple in the realm of double binds and mind control programming. I remember one victim’s story when she told that her therapist took many many sessions to convince her that she was dissociative, only for the therapist to have to go through the convincing process again and again for a second alter and then again and again for a third alter.
Sojan, creator of Deprogramwiki site, was asked how many of the mind controlled slaves know that they are mind controlled and he estimated less than 0.5 % [2], ie. one in every 200 people that are mind controlled actually realise that they are. Sojan only became aware that he was by reading Fritz Springmeier’s work online at the age of 25. “Previous to then I was 100% completely clueless about it all and thought I had a somewhat normal life.”
The percentage would be easily less then 0.5%. It is only in the last 30 or so years some rare few realised and may have been able to keep out. Maybe due to the increase of mind controlled persons tenfold. ‘The Illuminati’ (in this case I use this term to describe those with power to do this) kept their mind control ‘in house’ previous to WW2. As the years went on, the art of trauma mind control spread fast – that it gradually became out of control for even ‘The Illuminati’ to handle. [2]
Note Sojan says there has been a tenfold increase in mind controlled persons.
This was some early art work by Cisco to convey what her mind felt as a mind-controlled slave. What the picture shows is the hand of the puppet master controlling his puppet. The puppet is floating - not grounded in reality, but dissociated from the external world in order to survive. All the cities and internal worlds are grids. Everything attaches to grids. The color programming can be seen in the Green, Blue, Silver, Gold, Red, and Yellow colors of the grids. The puppet is totally in the hands of the puppet master and its hands are in a submissive hold, while the puppet master has his fingers covertly wrapped around the left side of the puppet's head. [38]
So some figures eg. US Population c. 337,000,000, mind controlled 33.7 million, of which 168,500 of those know that they are mind controlled. Although this is a comparatively small figure compared to the number of mind controlled then it is still a large figure. That is 168,500 potential whistleblowers, just in the US alone. If everyone told their story, even anonymously, even briefly, then the sheer volume will overcome any opposition and put mind control firmly on everyones agenda.
Applying the 10% figure to Britain the UK population is about 69 million, ie 6.9 million would be mind controlled, and 33,500 aware they have been mind controlled. 33,500 potential whistleblowers.
Globally if the extrapolation is valid, 800 million mind controlled, then 4 million mind controlled victims to some extent know that they have been mind controlled. 4 million potential whistleblowers.
Whats the point of mind controlling all these people? What’s the objective of mind control?
On one basic level then those high in the system have an army of often highly skilled mind controlled slaves to carry out their orders. On a personal level slaves fulfil their needs - they have sex slaves, drug couriers, security /body guards and secret secure messengers etc, but its much more than that.
On a second level the 10% of the population that are mind controlled can amplify their programming, to then influence a huge percentage of the population to act as the programmers want. The 10% fill jobs in…
News and Media
Social Media Influencers
Corporations including banks
Armed Forces
Doctors, dentists, health officials
So it is not hard to understand that especially when young we have our heros and heroines particularly in sport, music and film and so we are highly vulnerable to be influenced by their behaviour, unaware that they are acting under mind control for a purpose. Increasingly their behaviour has become openly satanic. eg Sam Smith at Grammys.
We have received our information propaganda via news media and politicians, or now via algorithm controlled social media who have conspired together to censor us / ban those who tell the truth and they promote narratives and propaganda of their choice, with no voice against. They set up organisations with names like Trusted News Initiative to promote only their narrative and not the truth. They have people like Marianna Spring of BBC Verify as attack dogs to try to silence dissent or narrative divergence.
So this explains the lies, propaganda campaigns, false flags and agendas on
black lives matter / weaponised migration - fear and racial division
transgender - fear and division by sex / gender
covid 19 / health - fear and division about health
fake “man made” climate change - fear and division about the environment
war drums US/China via Taiwan, US/Russia via the Ukraine, US/Syria via ISIS and other terrorist groups as well as other proxy wars - fear by war and forced migration.
All are fear driven, divide and rule, problem reaction solution / Hegelian dialectic psyops and are designed to get us into fear so that we are willing to accept a reduction in our rights to free speech and movement so that we are controlled by a social credit score, a central bank digital currency and carbon credits and live in controlled areas. Meanwhile those that think they can become gods swan around in private jets pontificating and spreading lies.
End Times Programming
On an end game level / end times agenda level then many of the mind controlled have end of times programming. This is a huge subject in itself and probably the person who has talked about it most is Gina Phillips, see MJ2 – Purple Programming – Monarch Mind Control Programming [GP2w] for some information and her links, but I am not up to date with much of the end times programming.
In broad terms the Luciferians intend to make order from chaos, tear down the dark side of the system and build it up with the light side of the system, not as ostensibly bad but in fact far more duplicitous ie The Order of the Phoenix. For those who wish to delve further Carolyn Hamlett is well worth reading Lucifer’s Hierarchy, Structure, and Purpose [42].
Part of this end times plan is a ritual that will open more than one ancient gate so that Satan can take his demonic hordes through the ancient gates into the throne room of God. This is what the CIA Star Wars Now experiments were about. This was practised using several bloodline children but not perfected. When more than one gate opened, there was a tornado of fire and when it dispersed, over 1000 people died, [36].
I am just recounting as best I am able what the Luciferians believe and why they do what they do. Human bodies are controlled by demon possession, with each demon having differing powers. Bloodline individuals are assessed when young as to their role in the system. They are chosen for their spiritual gifts. Some of these gifts are the ability to hear / converse in the spiritual world, with demons / principalities. This is often highly hereditary, hence the intermarrying / interbreeding to keep these attributes. Different family bloodlines have different traditional family demons that they are attached to / possessed by. This attachment is begun by trauma even before birth, the trauma somehow enables the attachment. Further demonic attachment continues in childhood with double bind choices eg to die or live with a demon attached and they are told that the demon saved their life.
Some people cannot accept the truth - The Deniers
There are some people that cannot take this information on board for whatever reason.
When someone like myself or Mr. Springmeier start telling you things about ritual abuse and satanic holidays and yes, they do this, and they do a, b, c and d, the mind goes "Uh, uh. I am going to shut down, you just hit a block here, I don't want to hear it." To hear it means that everything you have been told in your life all of a sudden is a lie. These things do happen. We are programmed within the story lines of fairy tales, etc. and that helps us. Cisco Wheeler
The subjects dealt with are outside most peoples understanding. Most of us have not experienced these things - the child abuse, the sexual abuse, the drugs, the torture, the mind control, the magik, the rituals, the satanic system / the brotherhood /the illuminati, the demonic attachement and we find it difficult to believe that it happens. We would much rather it did not happen and many people look away and refuse to face it. Individuals suffer cognitive dissonance. Some assume that it must all be lies as it deals with difficult and horrible subjects and acts that they cannot face up to.
Various people, it appears largely through ignorance, inability or unwillingness to try to understand cannot cope with information presented - the ignorant, the abusers, the accusers and the trolls.
A few sad individuals attack the survivors, whistleblowers or even the bloggers / podcasters, or all three. Their thought process often seems to begin with the fact that there are inconsistencies in a whistleblowers testimony. Every whistleblower can have holes picked in their testimony, it comes with the territory of being horribly abused as children when cognitive pathways are being built, instead of having the correct stimuli. It comes with the territory of being mind controlled, it comes with the territory of being drugged, it comes with the territory of being dissociative. It comes with the territory of being indoctrinated by people doing evil things to them, setting double binds when whatever decision they make is wrong, the lesser of two evils. It comes with trying to piece together what happened often in different alters and with memories and flashbacks occurring as time goes on. There are inconsistencies.
Because of some inconsistencies, the disbelievers often then assume that the people saying this - the whistleblowers trying to tell their truth, are lying - and the accusers next thought often extends to that the whistleblower must be lying about everything. For some of these accusers apparently there is no option to live and let live, ignore the people they disbelieve and get on with their own lives. No, they are aggressive in their accusations, they apparently seek some sort of revenge for perceived wrongs. The accusers feel that they are somehow the victim. Often it is the worst harassers that play the biggest victims. The accusers are vengeful and the whistleblowers become a target for their abuse and insults about being liars or deep state operatives often on misinformed conjecture, opinion and prejudice and zero actual evidence.
Many of these accusers in my experience are utterly ignorant of the many other whistleblowers from the system. They are often utterly ignorant on the subjects of child abuse, sexual abuse, the drugs used, the torture, the mind control, the ritual abuse, satanism / luciferianism /the brotherhood / the order, magik, sex magik, witchcraft, divination, remote viewing, etc - all the very subjects they assert that lies are being told about.
I was trying to get some sources for their opinions and accusations from one such accuser the other day. The source she provided turned out to be completely bogus, having accused someone of copying someone else’s story when in fact the “copy” had been told 2 years before the story it was supposed to have been copied from. These people actually think they are good researchers - they may be able to screenshot, they may be able to use a search engine, they might have recently learned how to search twitter, but certainly they have acute problems when it comes to analysing the information found or putting it into a wider context.
Sometimes it is the luckiest / richest people who refuse to believe perhaps because they are so naive as to reality of others. Alternatively it can be the ones who have been similarly abused and are not ready to admit it to themselves and have an alter ready to deny all. Perhaps this link is useful to explain Denial and Denial programming, [41c].
Svali herself when facing investigation from Police about accusations of being involved in satanism, was totally convincing that she was not involved, as in the day it was her cover alters…
…my presenters, or day people, have been out. They are kind, caring, Christian, and completely unaware that there is another life that I live. If you stopped me at this point and asked, “Are you involved in any activities at night?” I would have absolutely no idea of what you were talking about. I was created specifically to look, act, and be normal in every way during the day. You could follow me around all day to this point, and there would be absolutely no indication that I lead another life at times. The only hint is the headaches, and occasional bouts of unexplained depression that I can’t seem to shake. I have had both all of my life, [39].
The mind controlled have been trained to do all things necessary for them to bring in the NWO… Cisco Wheeler said
They can use any slave that has been under mind control to accomplish any goal they have set forth with an access code, they can blow up a bridge, they can assassinate any leader - a governor, mayor, pastor - anyone that gets in the Illuminati's path, who will not bend or bow to the Illuminati structure - they have slaves in force who will just go and eliminate them. Whatever is needed, it is there. I guarantee you it is there, [40].
This should not be taken as a defeatist statement. It is a statement of reality. However the more whistleblowers there are, the more we join up then the more likely it is that we will expose the satanic system of abuse, expose their plans for a New World Order and defeat them. We also have spiritual We need to act and act soon.
We are many they are few.
Update 2023 Jul 24 As a comment on this post eloquently says Demons may live among us but so do Angels.
[2] Deprogramwiki Svali Speaks QA Reddit Part 2 0.5 % figure for mind controlled and know it.
[3] 2023 Jun 13 Foxes Extra - Jay Parker Alfred Webre Interview Transcript #satanists #jayparker #illuminati #mindcontrol #mkultra
[4] Psychopaths, Politics Power
[5] The Corporation ?
[6] 100 counties approx
[7] Corporate Psychopaths
[8] Part 13 UN I became a Christian years ago. I honestly believe that without faith in Jesus Christ, I could NEVER have gotten out of the Illuminati, and one reason I don’t fear for my life when I share what I remember is that I believe that God is able to protect me.
[9] CFB Monarch gina article
[10] Whale Cisco Wheeler I knew in 1968 that there were over 2 million MKULTRA's. Since then I don't have the awareness or the knowledge because I am not seeing the paperwork or the records to tell me how many. If I was making a guess, I would say 10 million. Wayne Morris:How did you know 2 million were involved? Cisco Wheeler: Because I was a programmer and I saw the documented records on this.
[11] 2020 May 10 sustack foxyfoxblog Lucifer and Luciferians – Masters of Deception Chuck Swindoll Jr quotes mark passio a former satanic priest claims the number of these lunatics in Americatops 30 million. also Mark Passio estimates 600,000 to over 1 million children per year are destroyed 23:24 by this cult in allegiance to Lucifer
[12] mind control forums archive interviews
[13] c. 1998-2002 Interview Cisco Wheeler
[14] I HEAR VOICES: Murder by MKUltra?
[14a] I HEAR VOICES: MKUltra? A Worrying Trend Of Mass Shooting Suspects Throughout History Before Committing Horrific Murders
[19] archive wikipedia Amalek
[20] 2020 Jun 4 cathyfoxblog Obama is now running the Satanic Council
[21] whale Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control
[22] Russ Dizdar estimated there was one at least on every block in America. [source?]
[23] Deprogramwiki Fritz Springmeier Bloodlines of the Illuminati
[24] 2020 Pers Comm Jessie Czebotar
[26] Fritz Springmeier Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier at the Prophecy Club Transcript
Svali All Illuminati survivors will have suicidal programming protecting their systems and (all Illuminati members have recontact programming - it is never left to chance)
[28] whale link
Q. What kind of people did they make you perform this kind of programming on? Were they other Illuminati family members?
A. Cisco Wheeler: They were all Illuminati children. We did not work outside of the Illuminati structure.
[29] suite 101 c#30 svali - This is called dissociation, and it is present in most members of abusive, generational cult groups such the one I describe.
[30] 2020 Jun 20 cathyfoxblog Illuminati Summer Solstice Ritual At the higher esoterical levels, one is made to understand that this seed is the seed of Cain, that Cain’s true sin was not killing his brother but finding out that God was not God and that Satan and man can both arise to be gods above the one true God. They are taught that these rituals awaken the seed of Cain and open the doorway for them to arise as gods.
[31] 2020 May 16 Cheryl Beck Illuminati Survivor and Whistleblower Descendants of Adam via Cain, Satan impregnated Eve to give Cain
[32] 2018 Jan 2 cathyfoxblog Hivites #Hivites #Phoenicia #FollowTheWhiteRabbit#Welcome2Wonderland They claim they descend directly from the garden of Eden through Cain’s line, &t hat Cain’s parents were actually Lilith (the female 1/2 of God in Talmudic tradition) & a demon she made (aka the serpent or the devil).
[34] 2020 Nov 11 cathyfox blog Illuminati Players and the field – Earth Realm Samael is described as being a handsome, redheaded young man, so attractive in fact that it is difficult for females to resist his charms. He was the seducer of Eve in rabbinical traditions, and when they had intercourse, he injected his filth into her, after which she conceived Cain.
[35] 2020 May 10 cathyfoxblog Lucifer and Luciferians – Masters of Deception Lucifer and Luciferians – Masters of Deception Chuck Swindoll #lucifer #luciferians #chuckswindoll #illuminati So the bloodlines believe they are actually related to Lucifer, that they are derived from Cain and that Lucifer is the father of Cain. They have no compassionate genes in their DNA, and admire deception, lies, stealing, death and sacrifices. They instil these attributes into their children by rituals, rapes, betrayals and sacrifices, who are then more susceptible to manipulation and control.
[36] 2020 Apr 16 cathyfoxblog Antichrist Rising – The When and Where and How…
[38] Bibliotecapleyades Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula Chapter 10 The Tenth Science Using Spiritual things to Control a Person.
[GP2w] 2021 Jan 29 cathyfoxblog MJ2 – Purple Programming – Monarch Mind Control Programming
[39] FoxyFloxblog Svali The Suite 101 Articles Part 11, 51-55 Dealing with PTSD
my presenters, or day people, have been out. They are kind, caring, Christian, and completely unaware that there is another life that I live. If you stopped me at this point and asked, “Are you involved in any activities at night?” I would have absolutely no idea of what you were talking about. I was created specifically to look, act, and be normal in every way during the day. You could follow me around all day to this point, and there would be absolutely no indication that I lead another life at times. The only hint is the headaches, and occasional bouts of unexplained depression that I can’t seem to shake. I have had both all of my life.
[40] Cisco Wheeler Interview
They can use any slave that has been under mind control to accomplish any goal they have set forth with an access code, they can blow up a bridge, they can assassinate any leader - a governor, mayor, pastor - anyone that gets in the Illuminati's path, who will not bend or bow to the Illuminati structure - they have slaves in force who will just go and eliminate them. Whatever is needed, it is there. I guarantee you it is there. Cisco Wheeler
[41] Dan Duval - Denial and Denial programming explained
[41c] Dan Duval - Denial and Denial programming explained
[42] Carloyn Hamlett Lucifer’s Hierarchy, Structure, and Purpose
[43] Chuck Swindoll thread
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Demons may live among us but so do Angels.
Thank you for maintaining this Substack and your blog. I am a massive fan of your work. I found you because I had to search for Fiona Barnett's book on Yandex and you were hosting it. Her website is the default WordPress installation page for some reason, or maybe I went to the wrong one. Turns out you have a wealth of resources on this topic, which I have spent the last couple days reading, which is essentially the final boss of all this crap. Thanks again, so so so helpful, rarely have I found such a wealth of resources in one place aside from maybe Montalk (but his stuff is on a different sort of topic mostly). So helpful, thank you.